Project schedule


Provide a summarised schedule for each of the phases and activities within the project.

Note: Refer to the Appendix for a detailed project schedule


‘Dependencies’ are logical relationships between phases, activities or tasks which influence the way that the project must be undertaken. Dependencies may be either internal to the project (e.g. between project activities) or external to the project (e.g. a dependency between a project activity and a business activity). There are four types of dependencies:

1.    Finish-to-start (the item this activity depends on must finish before this activity can start)

1.    Finish-to-finish (the item this activity depends on must finish before this activity can finish)

2.    Start-to-start (the item this activity depends on must start before this activity can start)

3.    Start-to-finish (the item this activity depends on must start before this activity can finish).

List any key project dependencies identified by completing the following table:

ActivityDepends onDependency type
Set-up project officeAppoint project teamFinish-to-start

In the example given above, the activity ‘Appoint project team’ must finish before activity ‘Set-up project office’ can start.


List any planning assumptions made. For example:

It is assumed that:

·      The project will not change in scope.

·      The resources identified will be available upon request.

·      Approved funding will be available upon request.


List any planning constraints identified. For example:

·      The project must operate within the funding and resource allocations approved.

·      The project team must deliver the software with no requirement for additional hardware.

·      Staff must complete the project within normal working hours.

Risk management

Identify key risks, escalation and communication plans.

Further documentation

Attach any documentation you believe is relevant to the project plan. For example:

·      detailed project schedule (listing all project phases, activities and tasks);

·      other documentation (business case, feasibility study, project charter); and

·      other relevant information or correspondence.

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