Management Styles

Management Styles


In an organization, managers perform many functions and play many roles. They are responsible for handling many situations and these situations are usually different from one another.

When it comes to handling such situations, managers use their own management styles.

Some management styles may be best for the situation and some may not be. Therefore, awareness on different types of management styles will help the managers to handle different situations the optimal way.

In short, a management style is a leadership method used by a manager. Let’s have a look at four main management styles practised by managers all over the world.


In this management style, the manager becomes the sole decision maker.

The manager does not care about the subordinates and their involvement in decision making. Therefore, the decisions reflect the personality and the opinion of the manager.

The decision does not reflect the team’s collective opinion. In some cases, this style of management can move a business towards its goals rapidly and can fight through a challenging time.

If the manager has a great personality, experience and exposure, the decisions made by him or her could be better than collective decision making. On the other hand, subordinates may become dependent upon the manager’s decisions and may require thorough supervision.

There are two types of autocratic managers:

·        Directive autocrat. This type of managers make their decisions alone and supervise the subordinates closely.

·        Permissive autocrat. This type of managers make their decisions alone, but allows subordinates to freely execute the decisions.


In this style, the manager is open to other’s opinions and welcome their contribution into the decision making process. Therefore, every decision is made with the majority’s agreement.

The decisions made reflect the team’s opinion. For this management style to work successfully, robust communication between the managers and the subordinates is a must.

This type of management is most successful when it comes to decision making on a complex matter where a range of expert advice and opinion is required.

Before making a business decision, usually a series of meetings or brainstorming sessions take place in the organizations. These meetings are properly planned and documented.

Therefore, organization can always go back to the decision making process and see the reasons behind certain decisions. Due to the collective nature, this style of management gives more employee satisfaction.

If decision making through the democratic style takes too long for a critical situation, then it is time to employ autocrat management style before it is too late.


This is one of the dictatorial types of management. The decisions made are usually for the best interest of the company as well as the employees.

When the management makes a decision, it is explained to the employees and obtains their support as well.

In this management style, work-life balance is emphasized and it eventually maintains a high morale within the organization. In the long run, this guarantees the loyalty of the employees.

One disadvantage of this style is that the employees may become dependent on the managers. This will limit the creativity within the organization.


In this type of management, the manager is a facilitator for the staff. The employees take the responsibility of different areas of their work. Whenever the employees face an obstacle, the manager intervenes and removes it. In this style, the employee is more independent and owns his or her responsibilities. The manager has only a little managerial tasks to perform.

When compared with other styles, a minimum communication takes place in this management style between the employees and the managers.

This style of management is the best suited for companies such as technology companies where there are highly professional and creative employees.


Different management styles are capable of handling different situations and solving different problems.

Therefore, a manager should be a dynamic person, who has insight into many types of management styles.